Trooper the Dog Leaves Animal Hospital
What's on your mind? Have people truly lost their minds!! Once you start following my blog, you will notice that question pop up often unfortunately. What did this dog do to deserve being dumped in a trash can after a severe dog fight?? All I have to say is thank God for Good Samaritans! It's crazy to believe without seeing that a dog can recover and have a good spirit after that situation. Hopefully, Trooper will be able to have a full recovery with a great home to put the icing on the cake. Wow, what people will do for money and attention because that's all this situation stems from. People in the dog fighting world have no regards for the feelings of these dogs just if they win or not. Do not care about the outcome of the losing dog just did you get rid of them yet? It's hard to write that so imagine people with the audacity to carry it through. Would you want to be around them?? I call it how I see it...